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Hey Goddess, are you ready to jump-start your healing journey?


You're in luck because I have something special for you:


 Name Your Own Price Coaching & Healing 


Offer Ends Wednesday 3/20 



When the 1 last spot is gone.

(as long as this page is up that means the spot is still open, so book it)

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March Special: Name Your Own Price Healing Session


It's my birthday and I want to share the love!!


I've spoken with a few women this week who really want to begin their healing journeys but are afraid or just can't swing it financially.
I remember being there myself. I was afraid to invest in myself, afraid to trust someone with my story, and at times just not having the money to pay for a class or a coach.



This March special gives you a chance to experience a healing session with me, shift your energy and raise your vibration so you can open your heart to love, peace, and happiness. 

This offer is available to the first 8 women who book one of these sessions.

(After 8 women have booked then I'll take the page down, now only 1 spot remains, don't miss out.) 

You will have Five different light healing sessions that you can choose from.
 (This isn't deep healing so there is nothing to be afraid of.) It's light yet transformational. Each session is 50 minutes.

Any Questions Contact Me.







Sessions to choose from:

1. Soulmate Session: Get clear on what you desire and deserve. Connect to the energy of your soulmate so you can raise your vibration around relationships and call in the love of your life.


2. Cord-cutting Session: Cut cords with someone you haven't been able to release so that you can raise your vibration and open your heart. This is great if you need to release an Ex or someone that’s hurt you.


(If you need to release and shift energy with someone that you love like a partner or a loved one we can do a cord healing instead of a cord cutting.)


3. Goddess Guidance Session: On this session, we’ll pull cards and talk about what you have going on in your life. We’ll also connect with your inner wisdom so you can plan out your next steps in love or life.
4. Self-Love & Care Session: This is a session that helps you reconnect to yourself, your worth and your inner child. Walk away with a spiritual practice to continue on your self-love journey.

5. Energy Healing& Heart Opening Session: This is a great session for you if you’ve been hurt and you want to release the pain and open your heart so you can be at peace, raise your vibration and call in love.







If you’ve been:
Curious about energy healing
Interested in working with me
Ready to start your healing journey
Wanting to attract your soulmate
Then say yes to your soul and give yourself this gift.
Remember nothing changes until you change. You’ll never regret making progress

towards your happiness and true love.






How this Name Your Own Price Session works:


1. You can choose your own price point of $45, $60, or $75. Allow your honest financial budget, the energy you want to put in and get back from the Universe and your Soul to guide you when choosing your price. (I don't normally do 1-time sessions but if I breakdown my packages it's about $115-$200 an hour)


2. Select the date and time this month that works best for you. If you don't see a time that works email me and we'll see what we can work out (I often speak to women in different time zones).


3. On the questionnaire, you'll be asked to choose which of the 5 sessions you'd like to have for your session.


4. All sales are final but if you need to reschedule just use the booking system to do so or email me


5. Feel free to book more than 1 session this month.


Offer officially ends when the last 1 spot is filled or when the doors close on 3/20. (as long as this page is up that means the spot is still open, so book it)








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