Beautiful Happy Goddess
Intuitve Goddess Guidance Session
Essence Turner
Helping you connect with higher wisdom for inner peace & clairty

Are you feeling emotionally or physically blocked in one of these areas?
Soul Alignment
Relationship with money
Self-Love & Self-Healing
Buisness Alignment
Compassionate Self-Leadership
Have you been trying to get answers, receive messages or next steps but you're coming up short and feeling stuck with very little direction?
You're in the right place.
I'm here to help you connect to your own Goddess wisdom.
Sometimes when we have a lot going on or are mentally & emotionally blocked it may be hard to hear your inner Goddess.
One of my special gifts is being able to help my clients bypass the blocks and the mental chatter so they can hear the tiny but mighty voice deep within.
She's there and she's ready to speak but sometimes it's about the intention and space created to connect with her.
Together we will create the sacred space and go on a spiritual journey similar to hypnosis to connect you to your inner Goddess.
You are the oracle.
I'm the guide.
You will receive answers!
Once you receive your answers, insights and wisdom we'll coach for more clarity and ground the wisdom into real tangible action steps so that you'll know exactly how to move forward.
What's next?
1. Choose a session below that closely represents the area that you'd like to receive guidance in.
2. Book your 45-minute appointment time.
3. Come to the session open, I'll guide you inward to connect with your own answers and we'll coach and create your next steps.
See you soon!

This session is for you if you’re feeling out of alignment with your soul and you want answers so that you can realign.
Does something feel off and you can’t put your finger on it or maybe you were in flow and now things have slowed or you’re feeling stagnate.
If you’re ready to find out what signs or messages you’ve been missing, and what you need to embody to bring yourself back into alignment click the book now button.
I realized that my inner child is waiting for me to finally pick her up and help her walk again, instead of suffering alongside her. I realized that I am in control of my destiny, that I have to stop ‘pity partying’ and create a new joyful and abundant reality because that is who I am.
Click here to read full testimonial

"During the reading with Essence, I had a major breakthrough around my mom and some of the emotions that are triggered when I talk to her. Essence simply asked me how I can make it ok that my mom has her own views on my lifestyle choices that don't always align with mine. This is something I have struggled with my whole life and now finally feel free from that unresolved emotional trauma".

Tiffany W, Life Coach
I took away that I need to stay focused at all times. Continue to meditate and always know that I’m the most important to myself and if there is anyone who does not appreciate me for who I am then I do not need that person in my life. Also to do for me more and stop always doing for everyone else.
I love that fact that outside of the long term healing programs that you provide, you are now offering other ways to help people. The universe has put you in so many lives because it knows you are what we all need to love ourselves.

Lorrye W, Goddess
My curiosity brought me to this doorway, and Essence lovingly guided me through it.
I went in open-minded, ready to be honest, and ready to learn- and was not disappointed with what I received. I was a little nervous at first, but Essence has a warmth and understanding that soothes and excites!
She was dialed right into me.. It felt like an insightful conversation with a lifelong friend. Caring and truthful.
I appreciated that Essence shared with me what I needed to hear, not wanted to hear!
I have some homework to do! But I also need to take stock in how far I have come, and what I have to offer, before moving forward.
I will be returning in the future to follow up with my progress!
If you're ready to be honest with yourself and need just a little bit of intuitive guidance, dive in and be ready to take notes!!!

Morgan B

Hi, I'm Essence
I’m a Spiritual Life Coach and I guide women to breakthrough heavy stuck emotions, embrace self-love and embody your most abundant self.
I know this journey all to well, for years I lived with father wounds and abandonment issues. I went on a spiritual journey to heal and learn to love myself and it’s been hands down the best decision I’ve ever made.
I knew that I wanted to share this healing work with other women so I became a Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Money Archetype & Abundance Coach, EFT Practitioner, and Certified Shamanic Healer.
Now I have the honor of living my purpose as a healer and spiritual guide to wonderful women just like you.